Plans submitted for satellite town
Plans for the satellite town to be built at La Democracia were reviewed at today’s Cabinet meeting in Belmopan. Adolf Lupp Structural and Engineering Firm of Germany presented designs for the town which will be modular so that it can be expanded as the population increases. Under the Ministry of Tourism a bill will be introduced to create a National Tourism Council to help develop a tourism policy and plan. Members will include the presidents of the various tourism associations, Belize Airline Operators Associations as well as the Belize Audubon Society and other public and private agencies. The Ministry of Education also submitted the first draft of a list of textbooks which may be approved for use in teaching English, Social Studies, Science and Mathematics. The Ministry has undertaken a textbook standardization project. And finally, the Prime Minister’s office approved the appointment of Myrtle Palacio as the new Chief Elections Officer.