Tracy, Shyne and the U.D.P. Healing Process
Magnanimous in defeat, Albert Area Representative Tracy Panton has pledged to work closely with the new leader of the United Democratic Party to present a stronger and united front ahead of the next general election.
Tracy Taegar-Panton, Leadership Candidate, U.D.P.
“I will rally behind the leader of the United Democratic Party, we have a job to do and that job is to hold this administration, this current administration accountable. The job is to get our ship ready for battle in 2025 and whatever happens today, I will do my part to ensure that the United Democratic Party is prepared to become the next government in 2025.”
Shyne Barrow, Party Leader, U.D.P.
I am going to sit down; we’re going to look at everything. I am more concerned about people who were just occupying positions and not working, but if someone was doing an outstanding job in a particular position, just because that person may have voted for Tracy or may have been a Faber proponent, I am not, my instinct is not to get rid of anyone, that’s not how I think. I want what’s best for the party and, you know, wise people actually take those that were against them and get them to join forces with them and so the same type of… I was telling Roosevelt Blades, I was telling other people, the same type of injuries weh dehn try inflict pan me, if we would come together and inflict that on the P.U.P. we’d form a formidable force.”