Sen. Courtenay: “Prudent Stewardship” by G.O.B.
The Senate met today to debate the National Budget that was presented and debated last week. In his presentation, the Leader of Government Business, Senator Eamon Courtenay described the government’s performance during the last financial year “prudent stewardship.”
Senator Eamon Courtenay, Leader of Government Business
“Government’s revenue, grants and capital revenue outperformed estimates. The projected outturn as set out in the revenue estimates is one billion, one hundred and ninety-two million, approximately nineteen percent higher than was budgeted. On the expenditure side, the recurrent expenditure of one billion, two hundred and seventeen million was slightly higher than budgeted. Madam President, on any measure, on any reckoning, that is prudent stewardship by the Honorable Prime Minister and the team in the Ministry of Finance. Let us not forget, Madam President, let us not forget the historic Blue Bond negotiated by the People’s United Party and concluded by the People’s United Party. It was this government history will recall that vanquished the Super Bond that was a noose around our collective necks for far too long. It was this single, brilliant Blue Bond transaction that caused this public debt – the public debt of this country to move from one hundred and thirty-three percent of GDP to one hundred and eight percent of GDP, twenty-five percentage points, Madam President. Every Belizean should be rightly proud of that historic achievement.”