Finnegan criticizes allocation for southside
Area Representative for the Mesopotamia Division Michael Finnegan, whose humorous asides played off against Barrow as the straight man, then launched into his own lengthy criticism of the budget, stressing that crucial areas such as health and education were not being sufficiently financed. But the area that drew the most fire from Finnegan was the fifty thousand dollars allotted for the renewal of the southside of Belize City.
Michael Finnegan, Area Rep., Mesopotamia
“The Prime Minister’s government allocated fifty thousand, fifty thousand shameless dollars for the renewal of the southside of Belize City. Mr. Minister of Sports you’re going back to those people and ask them to vote for you and the rest of you on the southside, make sure that all the big talk and the big promises which were made to those poor, unfortunate people on the southside that they live up to it. After all those talks with Dickie Bradley shouting, and pouting, your propaganda every Wednesday night and every Sunday morning on KREM Radio Station, yes Joe, a measly fifty thousand dollars they have allocated in this budget for the renewal of the southside.”