Case withdrawn against prison officer
In the Supreme Court today all charges were withdrawn against a prison officer accused of helping nine prisoners escape from Hattieville in 1997. It was alleged that Thomas Gilharry had issued a hacksaw blade to the prisoners which helped them free themselves. Sampson says today in Supreme Court Judge Troadio Gonzalez made it clear that there was not enough evidence to charge Gilharry and that he was not convinced the hack-saw blade found in a cell of a death row inmate is the same one used in the jail break. As you may remember, Gilharry first appeared in court on January nineteenth of this year to answer the charges. Sampson also said that while he is happy that this entire case is over, he is concerned about Gilharry’s emotional state because his character has been terribly defamed in the past months. The Prosecution was represented by Oswald Twist. Among the prisoners who escaped in the incident were the now infamous, and deceased, Julian Bush and Frank Castro.