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Jun 6, 2022

“Thirsty Thursday is Not a Drug Haven”, says owner of establishment

 While three male officers were on the ground, they responded with great caution. The owner of the night club believes that the policemen did not want to touch the young lady, because of the long held practice that women officers should address matters involving a female civilian. But, Commissioner of Police Chester Williams this morning explained that in this case the male officers would have been acting to protect the young lady from being exposed. The owner of the establishment is conducting his own investigations to determine what really transpired.


Chester Williams

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“Certainly again it might have a lot to do with the ignorance on the part of the officers. The law does not say that male police officers cannot intervene with situations involving women. It simply says male police officers are not supposed to search women. In this case she would not be searched. In this case the officers would have been protecting the woman from being exposed. So, I wouldn’t see anything wrong with them intervening to have made sure that her dress or skirt was placed down so as not to have her exposed the way she was. And so, maybe we need to do a bit more education within our ranks to help officers understand, in a case like that they certainly could have acted. And, even if it that that felt that they could have not, then the right thing for them was to call for assistance from a mobile or even from within t he club itself. They could have called women from inside the club to deal with the situation. So it is a rather unfortunate situation. I can’t fault the officers for it, because like I said, it could be ignorance on their part and we just need to do more sensitization where that is concerned.


Linsford Rosado

Linsford Rosado, Owner, Thirsty Thursday Restaurant and Bar

“Thirstys is no drug haven my friend. We are trying to find out what happened. It is us. The police have not come. The only news media is you. And yes, I am trying to gather some information. I think that perhaps the young lady might be the key to the whole thing. She knows or she can tell us what she thinks happen to her. I can’t say, to be honest with you I wasn’t even here. First time in thirteen years I was not at Thirsty Thursday on a Friday night. So I wasn’t even here. So, yes we are trying to find out. I have asked some but you could do the same.”

According to police, no official report has been made as yet. We continue to follow.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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