PSU and NTUCB to Name Constitutional Commission Representatives
The Public Service Union and the National Trade Union Congress of Belize are among those that have been invited to name representatives to sit on the People’s Constitutional Commission. Dean Flowers, the President of the Public Service Union, during an appearance on Open Your Eyes, had this to say about his expectations from PSU’s participation in the process.
Dean Flowers, President, P.S.U
“I am pleased to report that we received a letter for us to name a representative, and so our council will be exploring a possible candidate for that. We meet on Saturday and that will be a part of the discussion, in terms of identifying a suitable representative for the Public Service Union to sit on the commission. We have another role via the NTUCB, as a affiliate, who has also been given the opportunity to name a representative. So we will have influence, in ensuring that two competent individuals are name to the commission and hope that this issue of Cabinet dictatorship and ministerial intervention can be addressed in this reform. Again, I encourage all Belizeans; it cannot the work of civil society or political parties to decide what this new constitution will look like. You have to play an active and participatory role to shape that, because at the end of the day, whether you like it or not, ih wah affect you.”