Deon Ozaeta Perishes in Fatal RTA on Old Northern Highway
A fatal road traffic accident on the Old Northern Highway in the Belize District claimed the life of a Sand Hill resident on Sunday night. Thirty-five-year-old Deon Ozaeta was traveling on a motorcycle and as he came up to a curve between miles nineteen and twenty, he collided with a pickup truck, driven at the time by Shawn Jones. Initial investigation reveals that the pickup was traveling from Sand Hill to Maskall when the collision occurred. Ozaeta received severe head and body injuries and died on the spot. Jones has since been served with a notice of intended prosecution. Communications Director, Assistant Superintendent Fitzroy Yearwood shares additional details.
ASP Fitzroy Yearwood, Communications Director, Belize Police Department
“Sometime around 7:40 on yesterday’s date, the police responded to an apparent fatal traffic accident scene. I have to say fatal because when they arrived there, they saw the motionless body of a resident Ozaeta. Deon Emmanuel Ozaeta was riding his motorbike and traveling in the opposite direction where Mister Shawn Jones was driving a GMC pickup. They are saying that upon reaching the first curve on the Old Northern Road, apparently, Mister Ozaeta got in the lane in front of the pickup and of course Mister Jones tried his best to swerve away, but still hit him with the side of the pickup. Mister Jones was escorted to the Ladyville Police Station where he voluntarily gave urine sample. He was served with a N.I.P. and [the body of] Mister Deon Ozaeta was transported to the K.H.M.H. where he was pronounced dead by a medical officer. We know that investigators are still dealing with this. I know that a sketch of the scene was drawn and like I said, we had full cooperation of the driver of the pickup.”