UNIBAM Spokesperson Says Children Now Aggressive Against Gays
Orozco says that interestingly, in recent years, while the public attacks against gays and lesbians from adults have waned, now it is children who have started to show aggression towards them.
Caleb Orozco, Executive Director, UNIBAM
“When I started this work there was hostility, threats on my person, acts of violence and now it is an interesting situation where I’m experiencing children who know nothing about Section Fifty-three – nine, ten, eleven, twelve yelling “Orozco!” and getting upset because well, they’re dishing out their disrespectful medicine and I go – children. Children! What that shows is there is the psychology of bigotry or bias being passed on to the next generation and we need to fix that because that again is sustaining what I call social practices that promote structural violence, and I shouldn’t be experiencing disrespect from twelve-year-old children.”