A Call for Help by the Family & Peers of Dorian Enriquez
“A Call for Help” is shared on Emelita Pineda Enriquez’s Facebook page; that’s his mother. In the post, Dorian chronicles how his hands and arms tremble uncontrollably, that he is legally blind and relies on a built-in magnifier app to use his computer. He has a speech impediment, but Dorian nevertheless spoke to the media following the presentation.
Dorian Enriquez, Needs Medical Assistance
“I would say it is going towards a diagnosis of what it is that is affecting me and its going to a Cuban medical center. So with that, I hope to know which direction to go – natural or another medical way.”
“Talk to us about the support that you received here today because a lot of people where here for you.”
“Overwhelming. I am not prone to crying, but if I were, I would. It started with ten dollars and from there people pour in with support – monetary donations, prayers right, everything. I am grateful for.”
Duane Moody
“How much is it that you need to raise?”
Dorian Enriquez
“Well we had originally twenty thousand Belize. So in order to afford everything; travelling. Going to Mexico, from Mexico to Cuba.”
According to the family, the Cuban Medical Authorities and the Hospital Clinico Quirurgico have accepted to evaluate and diagnose Enriquez. Anyone who would like to assist can contact the family at 615-8091 or the family on Facebook. You can also make deposits at Dorian Anthony Enriquez Belize Bank account number 211-586-010-220-025.