The Battle of Senior Counsels and Former Attorney Generals Inside O.W. Magistrate Court
All indications are that despite the outcome of the hearing in the Orange Walk Magistrate Court, the matter will be taken to the Supreme Court for a verdict. As for the gravity of the case, both senior counsels on different sides of the courtroom are former attorney generals of Belize. As we said, Smith was only brought on today. Barrow suspects that the F.I.U. retained the senior counsel in light of the objections he raised during Friday’s hearing.
Dean Barrow, Attorney for C.I.B.L.
“Well I believe the F.I.U., while I did not succeeded in my original preliminary objection, took warning from that and figured it is better to get somebody of Mr. Smith’s standing. I believe they recognize they are facing some very serious not to say meritorious objections.”
Godfrey Smith, Attorney for F.I.U.
“I would say it is a serious matter, not only for the amount of cash involved and the various offenses that may be involved. But as I am sure you are aware, the United States Government, the hackles go up in relation to human trafficking. As you are aware, Belize and many countries in the world are put on a list of not taking these things seriously. So, in addition to the regular Belizean domestic landscape there is also that other landscape where on the international scene the way you treat with cases of human trafficking is carefully scrutinized and repercussions grow from that. So yes, obviously it is a case that the state must take seriously.”
F.I.U. is also being represented by Attorney Janelle Thomas-Shorter