Visually Impaired Student Parliamentarian Lobbies for Consideration for Special Needs People
One student who stood out during the debate was Maria Cal, Student Area Representative for Belmopan, not because she is visually impaired, but because even with her physical restrictions, she eloquently argued for and on behalf of everyone who has a disability and whose needs are overlooked every day in public spaces by the absence of amenities like wheelchair ramps and Braille signs.
Maria Cal, Student Area Representative, Belmopan
“All our youths with diverse abilities would not be able to be as active and engaged in these courses, not because they don’t want to, but because the necessary infrastructure, the appropriate accommodations, resources for students and staff, as well as the necessary policies are not in place for them to participate. What about having properly-built ramps, wheelchair-accessible space, readable signs in Braille, and e-books, just to name a few examples. Also, would the certified trade instructors be able to teach these youths with diverse abilities? Today I stand representing all our youths with diverse abilities in hopes of seeing a change for the betterment of our lives, and for us to be included in every aspect of society.”