B.S.I. Proposes Two-Year Interim Commercial Agreement with B.S.C.F.A.
There appears to be no resolution in sight for the sugar dispute between A.S.R./B.S.I. and the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association. Tonight, B.S.I. is suggesting that the B.S.C.F.A. and the millers sign a two-year interim commercial agreement on the same terms as the last crop. A release from the mill says that the suggestion is being made for, “further consideration of alternative approaches and to ensure B.S.C.F.A. farmers are able to deliver their cane and avoid any further delays to the crop and damage to the economy of Belize”. In its release, B.S.I. reiterated that the mill is ready to commence the 2022/2023 sugar crop. However, the crop remains on hold pending a fixed start date by the Sugar Cane Industry Control Board. The S.I.C.B., on the other hand, says that the crop will start as soon as a commercial agreement is signed between B.S.I. and B.S.C.F.A. Indications are that B.S.C.F.A. will not yield to signing a two-year interim agreement, because, as they have stated on record in the past, it is not an ideal situation for its membership. Notwithstanding the complex situation, B.S.I. says three other sugarcane associations, representing fifty percent of the sugar cane to be milled, are prepared to deliver their produce but they cannot do so without a fixed start date. We will continue to follow.