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Jan 11, 2023

PM Briceño Takes on Rogue Cops Within the BPD

Earlier today, Prime Minister John Briceño confirmed that the Director of Public Prosecutions, Cheryl-Lynn Vidal, has recused herself from the Elmer Nah double homicide case. According to P.M. Briceño, while the D.P.P. no longer has relations with former Deputy Commissioner of Police Marco Vidal, the uncle of the accused, she has informed the Commissioner of Police that she will not play a role in the legal matter. Reporters asked Prime Minister Briceño for his take on the police department’s issue with rogue cops. He was also asked if any steps have been taken to impress upon Minister of Home Affairs, Kareem Musa, to crack down on these rogue elements. In his response, the head of government defended the contributions of Minister Musa, contending that he is not given enough credit for his efforts to weed out these bad officers. Here is what he told us.


Prime Minister John Briceño

Prime Minister John Briceño

“I think you don’t give enough credit to Minister Musa because it is easy to look oh somebody get killed or they have held up somebody, home invasion. It is easy news. The truth is that Minister Musa has even trying to get rid of all the rogue cops as much as possible. He has gotten rid of I think a hundred and twenty cops. But, unu nuh the cover that. So, whoever he finds that there is a rogue cop he tries to get rid of them. In some instances it is just easier to pay them off and get them out of the service. The Cabinet fully supports the initiatives of Minister Musa and we are encouraging him to be able to try to get rid of more of them. With the issue of Mr. Nah we have to point out that he has been in interdiction. He is not been an active police officer and you all continue to refer to him as a police officer. He is in interdiction he is not a police officer as far as we are concerned. It seems that from the evidence and we still have to wait to go to court, that he was the one that is behind these murders. The DPP has already mentioned to the commissioner of Police that she is withdrawing from this case for whatever reason. Obviously, as I am told, she is no longer the partner of Mr. Vidal, but this is Mr. Vidal’s nephew, so to avoid any issue of any conflict she has recuse herself. I wish our judges would do the same  nuh, but she has recuse herself and even some of our staff. So, we are looking at the possibility of even bringing in an outside prosecutor and investigator to ensure we can have an airtight case against Mr. Nah and these heinous crimes.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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