Tensions Brewing in San Jose Succotz Village over Proposed Village Border Demarcation
There is reportedly a move afoot to redefine the municipal borders of Benque Viejo del Carmen and San Jose Succotz Village. The issue dates back to more than three decades ago when the village’s borders were redefined to expand the neighboring town. At the time there were protests from villagers, but the new borderline was eventually accepted. But on Saturday, residents in San Jose Succotz called a public meeting, following reports of an undertaking to further expand Benque Viejo Town and consequently encroach on village lands. Here are one villager’s comments from this Saturday’s public meeting.
San Jose Succotz Village Resident
“I remember well what happened in 1997. We had sent a letter at that time to the mayor, for him to reject the changing of that border line. They had calmed down but now the issue is re-surfacing. After all that they have done, they did not consult with the people of Succotz. A few of them just did their own thing. In other countries like Mexico, people have risen up to civil war whenever the people are being oppressed. They get up to fight. It is not necessary to reach that point. We are living in modern times when diplomacy is used. Central government needs to listen to the concerns of the people.”
We will have more for you on this issue in tomorrow night’s newscast.