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Feb 7, 2023

“We Do Not Condone These Actions”, B.N.T.U. on Predatory Behavior by Teachers

Elena Smith

Reporters also asked President Smith for the B.N.T.U.’s position on allegations of predatory behaviours being displayed by teachers against children in the classroom. We have reported on the claims that have surfaced at Canaan High School in Belize City and other reports of similar occurrences in Belmopan. Smith placed on record the union’s disdain for such behaviour while noting that the accused still has the right to due process. Here is how she puts it.


Elena Smith, President, B.N.T.U.

“It is a matter that as a union we do not condone. I will say that upfront, we do not condone these actions and while as union we have an obligation to represent our membership we ensure that we do that. So if any member is involved in such a mater and they come to us we will represent them. Represent them simply means that we will ensure that the due process is being complied with that the teacher is not being taken advantage of, that sort of thing. But, we will not be defending a wrong doing. So, as a union we have raised this matter at all our branch meeting thus far. WE have informed our members of all we have seen happening and ensure they keep away from those kinds of situations where they can be in trouble, because at the end of the day wrong is wrong. We are a professional organization and we have informed our teachers that we will not be defending wrong doing. So, we are hoping we can provide some avenue for our teachers to get some sort of training to deal with whatever issues they may be facing with some matters. WE also discussed having a meeting with the Principals Association of Secondary Schools to see how we can team up to provide some support for our teachers.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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