So How Far Is the B.S.C.F.A Prepared to Go to Get It’s Way?
If the protest staged in Belmopan today by the B.S.C.F.A does not result in a palatable agreement for them, Committee of Management Chairman Alfredo Ortega said they are prepared to go further. But Ortega stopped short of saying what their next step of action will be.
Alfredo Ortega, Chairman, Committee of Management, B.S.C.F.A
“This is the first stage of our movement. We have been very passive for the past time, giving them the opportunity to really, by their side to do what they need to do without us having to go to this extreme. But if we, if push come to. And we have to go further, we will go farther because what we are looking for (is) the benefit of our farmers, not for a personal benefit. We want our farmers – and if our farmers are in good standing, the community is in good standing and their families are in good standing.”
“Any more extreme actions like blockade of the mills once again?”
Alfredo Ortega
“I cannot say that.”