Upgrades to Phillip Alvarez Park in Orange Walk Central
Today Prime Minister John Briceño joined Mayor Ladrick Sheppard at a groundbreaking ceremony for the first phase of the reconstruction of Phillip Alvarez Park. The first phase of the park’s design includes a number of recreational areas and more greenery. Works on the first phase will begin immediately. News Five’s Paul Lopez was in Orange Walk. He filed the following report.
Paul Lopez, Reporting
The Orange Walk Town Council and the Area Representative for Orange Walk Central, Prime Minister John Briceño, held a ground breaking ceremony this afternoon at the Phillip Alvarez Park in the town. Plans are in motion to upgrade the park’s features.
Ladrick “Mad Bull” Sheppard, Orange Walk Mayor
“I think this is something that the resident from this entire area was waiting for sucha while now and it has now become a reality. I must say that when we started this it was clear the area rep wanted something different at this park. As you can see if you look around some of the old things were demolished immediately. He wanted us to jump on it immediately yo start. We moved as fast as we could, got an engineer to look over the area, come up with a plan, something that not only the PM wanted, but something that the residents can benefit. Here today it is a reality.”
According to Prime Minister Briceño, the newly renovated park will provide a space for families to gather and enjoy the outdoors. It will also equip with renovated football and basketball facilities. He says, his constituents have for some time been requesting the upgrades.
Prime Minister John Briceño
“The idea has been that in this section we can have an area for the children and you have seating area, people can do picnic and we have the basketball court and to the end we want to have a five a side field. To be able to put a track round the park so people can come and exercise here. it is a big project that will cost of a lot so we have to do it in phases. Right now we want to do phase one and the architects will explain better. The idea we want to have this part where you can come with your families, play sports, come on weekend or anytime and barbeque and enjoy being in the outdoors and to exercise.”
Works on Phillip Alvarez Park will be carried out by NOW Construction Limited. Representatives from the company explained that the project will be carried out in three phases. They gave an overview to those in attendance.
Alina Terekova, Representative, NOW Construction Limited
“Now today we will particularly talk about phase one which will be from the street behind me to the existing building. One of the elements will be the entrance from the street and the sign welcome to the park and as well we will put some playground for the kids of different ages, as well as some areas for parents to sit and watch their children and to enjoy the park to have like a picnic or lunch in a shaded nice environment. We will also add more vegetation to the park and make it enjoyable for the community.”
Reporting For News Five I Am Paul Lopez.