Will the P.U.P. investigate Erwin Contreras?
Will the Briceño Administration launch a full investigation into Erwin Contreras and his decision to sign the Definitive Agreement with Portico Enterprises Limited? As we have been reporting, the former U.D.P. Minister of Economic Development was the only government official who signed the controversial document. And, according to the former Attorney General, Michael Peyrefitte, no one in the Barrow Administration knew that Contreras signed the agreement, which Peyrefitte described as ‘trash’. Today, PM Briceño was asked if his government will investigate Contreras. Here is his response.
Prime Minister John Briceño
“Let me finish first with settling the legislation that will give the necessary development concessions to Port Magical Belize. And once we do that, then we will do whatever investigations have to be done. We will do an investigation, and if there was anybody, any corrupt act under the previous government, then we will act on it.”