Farmers resume cane deliveries to BSI
But back in Belize, the strike in the sugar industry ended last Friday and as we reported, the contentious core sampler will be removed from the mill. It is not known whether a decision has been taken on the other demands by the farmers, including the removal of Nemencio Acosta as chairman of the Sugar Industry Control Board. Deliveries at the Tower Hill mill started on Sunday and C.E.O. of the Cane Farmers Association, Carlos Magana, told News Five today that a package has been agreed to by the farmers and BSI which will get back the industry on track.
Carlos Magana, C.E.O., Cane Farmers Association
“On Friday afternoon in San Victor we had the burial of Mr. Gutierrez and from there the membership requested a general assembly to be held on Sunday.”
Duane Moody
“What transpired during that assembly on Sunday, sir?”
Carlos Magana
“On Sunday, we had a discussion and we presented the whole package of alternatives that we had with all its technical and operational financial procedures to be able to enhance quality. It is a Quality Enhancement Program.”
Duane Moody
“When did they start to deliver cane to the factory?”
Carlos Magana
“Yes, the package was presented, they addressed the information, they are willing to work with it. I know that every new package will still have some stumbling blocks, but we will do our best to go over that stumbling block because it has to do with all the extension services—new methods and the old methods also so that the mature cane be delivered on time to the factory. On the issue of delivering, it started on Sunday at ten o’clock in the morning; the doors were open for sugar cane to be delivered to the factory. The trucks, they are delivering on a very fluent manner trip to the factory. Both divisions are delivering sugar cane at this point and we do expect that by Thursday, it will start to be controlled by division.”
Duane Moody
“What would you say was the loss that was incurred?”
Carlos Magana
“The loss, really we haven’t done a complete economic analysis to say this is the loss, but we are working on it presently, it’s several millions of dollars.”