Protests continue in Guyana
In Guyana, civil strife continues to be the order of the day. Satellite reports from the C.B.U.’s Errol Pilgrim, indicate that the opposition is not yet ready to call it a day. The following story by Patrick Jones summarizes the latest developments.
Despite an official ban, Guyana’s opposition People’s National Congress called out crowds of supporters Thursday to re-enforce the party’s position and refusing to accept Janet Jagan as President of the republic. Yesterday’s march utilized different modes of transportation and some of the demonstrators carried posters and placards proclaiming P.N.C leader Desmond Hoyte as president. For some Guyanese though, it was more fitting to watch from a distance. Former PPP/Civic minister Asgar Alli, came out Thursday to lend support to the protesters saying the demonstration is not about race.
Asgar Alli, Leader, Guyana Democratic
“Victory is ours. Our cause is just. And we are pioneers. We will continue with the tradition to continue the struggle for all Guyanese.”
Other opposition leaders opposed to the Jagan administration have vowed that the protests will not end until she is removed from office.
While Thursday’s demonstrations were peaceful, Guyana’s security forces are still on alert as the Government’s ban on political gatherings remains in effect, despite its wholesale violation.