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Jul 3, 2023

Belize Coast Guard Recruitment Exercise, Deadline is July 14th

They have not enlisted new seamen in four years, but this year the Belize Coast Guard is looking for sixty men and women to join the ranks of the naval military unit. Application is open until July fourteenth where Belizeans can go online and sign up to be part of the 2023 recruits for the Belize Coast Guard. While the application asks that you have a minimum of a high school diploma, physically in good shape and can swim, Commandant Elton Bennett says that they are also looking for applicants who are tech savvy because the coast guard is expanding its functions. 


Elton Bennett

Rear Admiral Elton Bennett, Commandant, Belize Coast Guard

“We are recruiting at this time. We are looking for Belizeans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six; high school level education. You’ll be required to sit the recruiting exam which is an academic exam, but also a physical exam that includes a swimming test. So you must be able to swim, you must be a Belizean national, a clean police record and willing to serve your country. So you apply online, the information is there; the deadline for application is the fourteen of July. Once we receive those applications we will be doing screening. It is a very important part of keeping the organization’s integrity intact by doing these vetting from the early stages. So we will screening and then inviting you to come and sit the recruiting drive here and then hopefully if you make it, you form up on the second of September with the intent of going through recruit training, graduating the twenty-eighth of November and then joining the organization as a seaman. The minimum requirement is a high school diploma. Of course, we have people with associate’s degree; we have people with bachelor’s degree coming on that level. So we are looking at obviously people who are physically fit, but we are also looking for talent in all aspects of coast guard functions. We’re looking for people that are technically capable of fitting into the coast guard modernization strategy, which as I mentioned earlier on, we are looking at operating unmanned air vehicles. So we are looking at people that are technically capable of moving the organization forward in those technical areas. We are looking at people who can do broad range of duties: from marine research and technology in the maritime field, public relations as well. And so there are different areas that we are looking for talent in to really fit into the organization and help us to move forward.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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