Nemencio Acosta says he won’t resign
But the core sampler is not the only issue that the cane farmers have… the other is Chairman of the Sugar Industry Control Board, Nemencio Acosta. Since Friday, the caneros have been asking for Acosta’s removal, saying that he does not have their interests at heart. Today we caught up with the Corozal North area rep and asked him for his opinion on how the dispute has evolved. Acosta says he respects the farmers’ right to protest, but he also blames the association for not effectively communicating with them.
Nemencio Acosta, Chair, Sugar Industry Control Board
“The function of the board is to serve as a mediator between the manufacturers and the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association. That is where each one brings their differences and we try to find a solution.”
Kendra Griffith
“Are you surprised it has come to this?
Nemencio Acosta
“Well, not really. What has happened is that—I am in total agreement with the protest that the farmers have done. What has happened is that there has been miscommunication between the board of directors and the general membership. It should have been the duty of the entire industry, but precisely of the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association, to disseminate information to the farmers since the inception of the core sampler. And for some reason or the other, the information did not reach to all the farmers.”
Kendra Griffith
“But then, do you believe then that the farmers protested based on faulty information then, it’s a lack of understanding of what this core sampler is doing or you agree with them on the basis that they have a to protest the core sampler because they don’t like the way that it’s being operated?”
Nemencio Acosta
“They have a right to protest because it would have been the only way they could have been heard. But the extent of their protest is a little bit unwarranted. The association has nine directors and it should be the duty of each division to inform its cane farmers. What happen is that during those two years of trial, they should have used the results to inform the farmers what is their quality and what they would have been getting paid at that time and how it would have affected their cane payments in the future.”
Kendra Griffith
“One of the points of the strike is that they also want your removal.”
Nemencio Acosta
“Yes, I am not against their petition because they believe… because of how the Sugar Industry Control Board used to be handle in the chair used to take a dictatorial position, they believe I, with a stroke of a pen, can remove the core sampler. That is a misconception.”
Kendra Griffith
“Who can remove that core sampler?”
Nemencio Acosta
“Well, I don’t think it would be in the best interest of the farmers neither of the industry to remove it. The Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association has said it has an alternative plan, but up to now we have not seen it.”
Kendra Griffith
“But who has … the Prime Minister says he doesn’t really have the authority to say the core sampler needs to go, who has the authority to remove it?”
Nemencio Acosta
“The way the farmers share the revenues with the manufacturers, it is something that needs to be decided by them; the farmers and the manufacturers. The success of the industry is for the benefit of the cane farmers, the manufacturers and the nation as a whole.”
Kendra Griffith
“Why would they feel that you are acting contrary to their interest?”
Nemencio Acosta
“Well, I really don’t know, I really can’t tell. I mean, they might have a reason, I don’t know what those reasons are.”
Kendra Griffith
“Have you made contact with the association since Monday?”
Nemencio Acosta
“No not yet because they have refused. After last week Friday I addressed the farmers they said that they are closing negotiations. So I said well the next body or this matter now referred to government.”
Kendra Griffith
“Would you think of resigning from your post as the chairman so as to appease the farmers?”
Nemencio Acosta
“Well, I don’t think—I haven’t considered that because I think that I have acted within the limits of BSI under the act.”
Acosta estimates that everyday that B.S.I. remains closed, they are losing half a million dollars. The S.I.C.B. has a total of nine persons on its board. Aside from Acosta, who is appointed by the Prime Minister, there are two representatives from the manufacturer; two from the association, two business persons, an independent member agreed to by the manufacturers and B.S.C.F.A., and a rep from the Ministry of Agriculture. On the other hand, Acosta says the Sugar Cane Quality Authority is comprised of two representatives chosen by the farmers, two by the manufacturers and a chairman agreed to by both entities.