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Home » Defense » ComPol Says Aaron Gamboa is one of the Departments “strongest commanders”
Oct 23, 2023

ComPol Says Aaron Gamboa is one of the Departments “strongest commanders”

As for the competence of the S.P.U. Commander, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Aaron Gamboa, ComPol Williams says he is one of their strongest commanders. ComPol Williams also addressed recent allegations of misconduct brought up against Gamboa.


Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

Chester Williams

I am sure the allegations against Mr. Gamboa has no merit. I can tell you that for sure. But again, let the person who went and give you information make the official complaint and then we will investigate. In terms of Mr. Gamboa’s leadership of the SPU, Mr. Gamboa is one of the strongest commanders we have who controls one of our operational units. He tries and it always on the ground with his people, directing them to ensure that what needs to be done is done. But he is only one man. He needs to get support from his supporting team, the person in charge of SPU Belize City. It is not just about him. So we are going to lend him our support today so that the others can understand we are here to work together and it is only by working together that we will be able to achieve our operational objectives. So, I have every confidence in the job Mr. Gamboa is doing as the commander of SPU.”


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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