Legislation to Empower Village Councils to Collect Trade License Fees
Another piece of legislation brought to the Senate from the House is the Trade License Reform Bill. The Government of Belize is seeking to pass legislation that will empower village councils to collect trade license fees in rural communities from qualified businesses. The bill has been labeled by the U.D.P. as a “tax on the poor”. Senator Courtenay argues that its intentions are clear, however, the bill was sent back to committee for review.
Beverly Williams, Opposition Senator
“It was in the Prime Minister’s presentation on the budget that he said there are no taxes in this one. But what is this, if it is not a tax, a tax on the poor people with the already high cost of living. When you resort to taxing the peddlers then you know something is very wrong. All the peddlers will do is add that tax to their cost and the cost of living will keep going up. Panades gone up when I buy it last week I couldn’t share it. But Madam President within the concept of taxation it is always there were some levels of exemption, some categories cause when you look at the peddlers and small man, it is very burdensome on any administration to manage that.”
Eamon Courtenay, Lead Government Senator
“The intention of this legislation is to empower the local government both at the town and city level as well as the village level. Additionally the intention is to give them a clear, more consistent stream of income. This is a commitment that was made by the government in plan Belize. It is clear that there are a number of errors, sections that are cited that needed to be corrected. Senator Herrera and Williams raised some issues of policy that can be looked at and considered. We have agreed that the bill should remain in committee for consideration and possibly amendment.”