B.T.L. Chairman Explains Two Directors’ Departure
Two members of B.T.L.’s Board of Directors, businessman Michael Bowen and attorney Denise Courtenay, have chosen to step down from their roles with the company. Chairman Mark Lizarraga explained that directors are appointed by shareholders and have the discretion to leave when they feel they have made their desired contributions. Both Bowen and Courtenay cited personal business commitments as reasons for their departure. Lizarraga says that both Bowen and Courtenay have been replaced.
Mark Lizarraga, Chairman, B.T.L. Board of Directors
“They were directors and directors are appointed by the shareholders and directors can decide to leave when they have contributed as much as they want to contribute. I mean, I believe both individuals claim to be very busy in their own personal business. It was nothing, you know, we certainly appreciate the impact that they had when they were at the board. They contributed significantly, but the company is doing well.”
Who replaced them?
Mark Lizarraga
“The majority shareholder has appointed Director Narda Garcia, who is the CEO in the Ministry of Finance, as one director, and Director Arturo Vazquez as a second director.”
There were also some rumblings I’d see in relation to the relationship between management and staff, um, that they weren’t being appreciated fully. Has that been turned around address?
Mark Lizarraga
“I don’t know where that comes from. I am really, I mean, you’ll always have people that are affected when you start to press for accountability and when you start to press for efficiency. But I think overall we have a very good relationship with our employees. We have quarterly town hall meetings where everyone from the company can participate in questioning and interacting with the chairman and senior staff of BTL, and we listen to their concerns and we give full merit to their concerns. But you know, we all have to perform. We all have to increase our productivity. We all have to deliver and we have targets to meet. I think our results show that we have overwhelmingly the full support off our staff. We have a very good relationship with the unions and we’re on track. I think people realize that for us to do well, means that they will do well, you know, that the company has to do well for everybody to have that security that they need and deserve.”