BTL Reports $152M in Revenue, $21.6M in Profits
B.T.L.’s Chief Executive Officer, Ivan Tesucum that the company made one hundred and fity million dollars in revenue with twenty one point six million is profits. Tesucum highlighted the company’s achievements, including a significant fifty-four percent increase in dividends, now at twenty cents per share compared to last year’s thirteen cents per share. He attributed this success to a strategic focus on execution, cost efficiencies, and revenue growth.
Ivan Tesucum, C.E.O., B.T.L.
“So this year we are proud to say that we have increased the dividend by 54%. We’re paying 20 cents per share. Last year we paid only 13 cents per share. So that’s an increase of 54%. So certainly the company has done very well this year. As we said, it’s a very stellar performance. You know, we’ve focused on execution, on driving cost efficiencies, while also driving revenues. In terms of revenues, we saw that we increased to 152 million from 141 million. And in terms of bottom line, we also increased it by 35 percent from 21.6 from 16.1 last year. So the company has done very well. We have also expanded to many new areas. So we had 18 new mobile sites and 14 fiber to the home site. So one of the things that we continue to realize is that, you know, connectivity is required for everything in this connected world. You know, you need to be connected, whether it’s for business. Whether it’s for entertainment, you know, whether it’s for health, you know, or just connecting to a loved one. We know what connectivity is driving us and that’s something that we are committed to at Digi, our national telecom. So we’ve continued to focus on that and that has yielded results. The other big thing for us that we were able to launch this year was the DigiOne. We’re the only quad pay player in Belize. What does that mean? That means that we offer telephone. Mobile internet and also TV over the what we call the over the top. So certainly we’re very proud of that product. And lastly, we also have our protocol digi-wallet. It is the only mobile payment platform in the country of Belize. And so that now continues to grow.”