Tracy Panton is First to Appear Before Senate Select Committee
First to be summoned before the committee was former U.D.P. Minister Tracy Panton. She outlined the responsibility of the investment subcommittee and told the panel that she was unaware of any project that did not adhere to the guidelines that were implemented by the investment subcommittee.
Janelle Chanona, Chair, Senate Select Committee
“You referenced that as far as you are aware, there was no definitive agreement on this project. Were there other projects that were signed off on that you only came to be aware of subsequently? I’m just trying to establish what was the practice or the procedure even for those projects that may not have come through the investment subcommittee.”
Tracy Panton, Former U.D.P. Minister
“I am not aware of any project not following the processes and guidelines that were put in place by the subcommittee on investments or the processes and procedures followed by BELTRAIDE and the investment unit of the ministry.”
Janelle Chanona
“You referenced earlier as well that there was a point eight to your seven-point screening that was requiring National Assembly. Was there one of the points in that seven, requirements for cabinet approval? Were all projects then sent from the subcommittee to cabinet as a realm or was the subcommittee an authorizing or binding body onto itself?”
Tracy Panton
“No, the subcommittee only was responsible for doing the assessment, the formal assessment of these projects based on the technical information provided by BELTRAIDE and the investment unit and then we would provide our recommendation to Cabinet for approval. So all final approvals was handled by cabinet.”