Westerhaven captain and 2nd in command skip town
It has been in the news for some time, the damages to the reef caused by the cargo ship Westerhaven which is still under arrest at Anchorage until the dispute is settled. And the news tonight from Martin Alegria, Chief Environmental Officer for the Department of Environment is that Fritz Schroeder, who was captain for three journeys to Belize, has absconded and left the country. An official of the Department of Environment in the company of police officers has been checking several hotels in Belize City for Schroeder’s second in command who has also disappeared, leaving the remainder of the fourteen men crew behind. News Five has also been reliably informed that the ship’s agent in Belize, EuroCaribe, will be required to provide information on the disappearance of the two men. Latest figures on the damages to reef stand at fifty-two million dollars.