Thirteen year old girl runs away from home
It’s the eve of Christmas, but one father is not celebrating. In fact, he is on an intense search for his thirteen year old daughter. Dean Dawson came to our studios today asking the public to be on the lookout for thirteen year old Shantel Dawson, who ran away on Sunday night. Shantel left a note on her bed saying she was going to Mexico, but Dean says she was spotted downtown near the bus stop on Wednesday. It’s the first time that Shantel has run away from home and Dean has grown suspicious of her reasons. He says she had been living with her grandmother, but Social Services returned her to his care on December third. According to Dean, he wanted to take her to the hospital for a checkup when she came home, but she refused to go and asked to be sent back to her granny, but she didn’t show up there. So all the father wants for Christmas is for his daughter to come home. Anyone who sees the young girl is asked to contact the police or call Dean Dawson at 620-6781.