…And police unveil crime fighting strategy for 2009
But what the top brass of the police did not want to disclose in detail is that Harold Crooks recognized that the National Crime Investigation Branch lacks the infrastructural capacity to investigate and interdict complex organized crime and dangerous criminals. The mechanisms and processes for intelligence- led policing are absent. Investigators use obsolete file preparation methods and rely on weak human intelligent sources and inadequate forensics. And on the job training is sporadic and lacks structure.
And at today’s press conference, the police used the opportunity to reveal another crime fighting strategy for 2009 on the heels of a previous strategy that was unveiled with much pomp last year.
Gerald Westby, Commissioner of Police
“We have some strategies that we think will enhance our abilities. This will be made available but I will just quickly outline them to you this morning. The first one is more Use of Crime Control and Criminal Justice Act as it relates to the crime ridden areas; declaring certain areas of the city to be crime ridden areas so that the police will have more authorities to go. This is not to restrict the movement of legitimate law abiding citizens. This morning we launched off from the Mahogany precinct, dedicated patrols in that area this morning. So we will be having more patrols in that area. Then we’re looking at the Fabers Road precinct to launch off from there so that we have additional increased patrol to reduce crime in that area, Collet and Port Loyola. Therefore, we will look at Mesop and increase level of policing in that area and provide service to the people. They will be able to make complaints there and we have a team of investigators and dedicated patrol team so that they can interact with the people and visibility prevents crime in these areas. Some legal recommendations we want to look at is the increase the age of firearm license from sixteen to twenty-five for short arms because it’s far too young; sixteen years old. Make separate penalties for concealment and carrying of firearms, and also make it a criminal offence to have gunpowder residue on your hands without lawful reasons. So this will be an added thing to help us. We are also saying that too often the criminals go on bail repeatedly, repeatedly and we are saying that for certain crimes that there be absolute statutorial remand.”