Day 1 of PSE examinations goes off successfully
Around the country, students in standard six took the first part of the Primary School Examinations that is also used as a measure for placement at high schools. This year, the number of students who sat the exams was lower than last year, but News Five Delahnie Bain found out that many students were prepared for the English and Science tests.
Delahnie Bain, Reporting
Over six thousand standard six students countrywide sat the first half of the Primary School Examinations today. That number, according to Principal Education Officer, Yvonne Davis, is one hundred and eighty-seven less than last year.
Yvonne Davis, Principal Education officer, M.O.E.
“Today, a total of six thousand eight hundred and fifty-five candidates registered to sit the exams. This number includes twenty-three private candidates. Private candidates are candidates who are not in regular classrooms but have applied to sit the exams. We have quite a few students have shown up today that were not on the registration list. When we did our check, for the most part they were—some of them were transfers that just happened at the ninth hour and we have a few that weren’t on the registration list at all and most of these were oversight at the school level.”
Today the students did two English papers and one in Science. And we caught up with a few of them to find out how day of the PSE went for them.
Aaron Garbutt, Grace Primary School
“The exam was easy and it was hard because the science was easy and the English was hard because I had to write a story.”
Delahnie Bain
“And you’re ready for the next one in May?”
Aaron Garbutt
“Yes ma’am. Maybe the social studies might be hard. I don’t know if I’m ready for the social studies but the math, I’m sure I’m ready for the math.”
Caithlyn Alvarez, Holy Redeemer Primary School
“Well, at the beginning I was nervous but when I got into my exam room I was okay and ready.”
Delahnie Bain
“Which one was more difficult you?”
Caithlyn Alvarez
“To me, my opinion was the science was more difficult because that had like more questions.”
Carlene Bood, Holy Redeemer Primary School
“I went to evening classes at my school, we had Saturday classes, summer I also went Mr. Acevedo and my mom helped me study.”
Delahnie Bain
“And you will continue these classes up until the next one?”
Carlene Bood
“Yes ma’am.”
Delahnie Bain
“Think you’re ready for the next one?”
Carlene Bood
“Yes, I think I’ll do better in the next one.”
Siian Rancharan, Hummingbird Elementary School
“Overall it wasn’t so hard but there were some parts where it was difficult. You pretty much needed you know your basics which all your teachers would have taught you. I felt confident that I would do well in this examination so that really gave me a boost in the exam so I think I did well overall.”
Apart from the usual in class preparations, Davis says the mock PSE’s should have also been helpful for the candidates.
Yvonne Davis
“The schools do, do what they call the mock exams and they really simulate the PSE. So they would have the multiple choice booklets; we release those. They would also have the writing booklets and perhaps a copy of the answer sheet, the style we use, and they would run the whole examination day with the same type of administration procedure that we use. So a number of children have gone in today with some idea of what it is they should have expected today.”
On the second day of PSE, May third, students will take on the Math papers one and two and the social studies exam. Delahnie Bain for News Five.
Yvonne Davis of the Ministry of Education noted that registered students who did not show up for today’s exams because of illnesses and other reasons will be allowed to sit the second round of tests on May third.