Onslaught of robberies throughout the old capital

Fitzroy Yearwood
And while Harold Crooks is being sought in Jamaica, in Belize local crooks are carrying on an onslaught of robberies. On Monday night it was Cosmetic Corner on Cemetery Road which was targeted and this afternoon robbers zeroed in on Swami’s Boutique on Albert Street at around two ten and the Port of Belize Limited at around one-thirty.
Only three weeks ago News Five reported on the brazen attack at Doony’s Store in downtown Belize City and the store’s cameras captured the incident on tape when the thieves stole the security guard’s loaded gun and an employee’s cell phone. And on that same day Police Press Officer, Sergeant Fitzroy Yearwood told News Five that police were going to step up their patrols in the business areas. Well this afternoon officers were scarce on the streets as criminals pounced on businesses.
Sgt. Fitzroy Yearwood, Police Press Officer
“You are aware that today we are burying Corporal Gavin Sanchez and of course he is being buried with his full police honours. A lot of officers have to attend, myself, I had to attend the funeral, so I know you had difficulty trying to reach me. I think the criminals on the street knew that today would be the funeral. Two dark complexion males wanted to enter the [Port] compound, claiming they wanted to visit the gas station on the compound. Access was denied to both these persons and one of them took out a firearm, pointed it at the security supervisor and relieved him of a nine millimeter black pistol. They both made good their escape.”
The robbers who targeted Cosmetic Corner Store and Swami’s Boutique got away with a few hundred dollars combined. Police are reviewing a tape which captured the robbery at Cosmetic Corner. A member of the Indian community told News Five today that his colleagues are getting so frustrated with the level of robberies against them, coupled with an already crippling economic situation, that many they are contemplating closing down and moving away.