Couple busted with eighty-four pounds of weed

Kent Skeet

Rosita Yama
Shootings, burglaries, robberies and even murder; those are some of the offences on Kent Skeet’s rap sheet. And now Drug Trafficking has been added to that list after Skeet and his common-law wife Rosita Yama were detained in major drug bust. On Sunday cops found the couple in the possession of more than eighty-four pounds of weed. A tip led police to Skeet’s home on Mahogany Street to search for illegal drugs and firearms, but that came up empty handed. So the search team headed to the garage and that’s where they hit the jackpot. Laid out on the floor were twenty-seven black bags containing cannabis and collectively weighing twenty-nine pounds. Next the cops found twenty black plastic bags containing another nineteen pounds of weed inside a barrel. Police also searched a black Honda Escort where they found another thirty-six pounds of weed. Skeet and Yama were detained and in court today, the two were granted bail of five thousand dollars each, which they met before midday. The couple appeared unrepresented and will return to court on June sixteenth.

Bryan Moreira
This afternoon another Drug Trafficking case was before the court and a thirty-three year old taxi driver, Bryan Moreira, was convicted of peddling twenty-four point eight pounds of cannabis. Moreira was busted with the drugs inside his vehicle on July second 2009. Police on patrol noticed that Moreira slowed down when he spotted them and a black object was thrown from the vehicle. The cops ordered Moreira out of the vehicle and took him to where the object landed, five feet away from Security Guard Curl Kingston who was waiting for a bus at mile twenty-nine on the Western Highway. Kingston testified that Moreira asked him to hide the package when he saw the police. Magistrate Dorothy Flowers told Moreira that the evidence against him was overwhelming and that at no time during trial did he challenge the witnesses called by police and prosecutor Sergeant Frank Augustine about evidence before the court. Moreira was sentenced to three years behind bars retroactive to July second 2009 when he was first imprisoned.
Why was this criminal given bail with such rapsheet.
Look like the criminals then really tek over the Jewel,then got all we pretty Belizean lady then.Back ina the days you woulda mi haveto the rock wah wiya Bera with two packet dah tap and two packet dah battam fe then lady play with you.What have my Jewel become.?
what a shame for a couple involve in drug trafficing! I wonder if they kids? What example are they showing to their kids if they have any!!!! See what I always say about parenting, HMM
The two of them deserve to be thrown in jail for a very long time, shame on the repeated criminal, and it seem the woman partners is just as brain dead as the criminal himself. In the end, it doesn’t bother me that this woman is human wreckage, or if her body turns up in a swamp, what bothers me is that she is content with her life with a criminal and murderer on TV.
Rosita Yama, He’s a nice guy because you’re stupid.
Let them spend the rest of their sorry lives in prison..
Even murder and still given bail,imagine that?
Maddyvandijk…. Let’s not be so judgmental. As you judge others… so will you be judged. Remember LOVE is blind.
There is no such thing as a honda escort. I hope they correct it before it goes to court cause that could throw off the case. Its a Honda accord or civic or a Ford Escort. they got bail so them could hussle some more and get money to pay lawyer to arrange for “no le prosequa” or some nonesense like dat which means case done.
Creole man get bail but not the hispanic looking man…what good for the geeze good for the gaunder…justice needs to be served equally to all.
EarlGray:No one is passing any judgement Maddyvandijk is just giving his or her opinion which he or she is entitle too.Maybe you need to stop condoning criminal activities what about that?
yes and you know why people sell drugs? because in belize there is no job’s so is easy to make money ‘ ‘drugs money” here we have so many people doing this job now as in belize people with no education are not able to get a job’
and this is the reason why everybody who don’t have a job they just go sell drugs’
Perhaps you are unaware of the fact that we all live in a judgmental society, unfortunately I did not create the laws of society, unfortunately, this is how it is, get over it.
Judgments’ are not always nice, but it do help to make the bad good, and the good better.
I am sick and tired of people like the duo in this story, no ambition to better themselves, nor do well for their society; they are a big part of the contribution of all the bad things happening in Belize today. Unfortunately, Belize is filled with them. They’re choking the life out of the all the good people that want a better country.
You want to know why I can’t see their situation as a lesser crime.
I’ll tell you why. Because it is a signal of huge breakdown in the social order in that country. I want it to stop, even if it means “jail time” for life.