Boat propellers are killing manatees
The large mammals pose no threat to swimmers or divers and manatee sightings are often included in travel packages offered to tourists. But that attention, it seems, is also the cause of their death. The Coastal Zone Management Authority and Sea to Shore Alliance have been receiving alarming reports of manatee deaths caused by careless boaters. Jamal Galves, a manatee researcher, says that it’s time for tour guides to protect the specie rather than jeopardize its numbers.
Jamal Galves, Manatee Researcher, CZMAI/ Sea to Shore Alliance

jamal galves
“For this year we have over nine animals that got killed over the Belize River Valley area. Most of them, to be more exact, six of them died as a result of boat collision. And they are all in the same area. I notice the consistency during the tourism season. I really want to get out there and give notice to the boat drivers and these captains and tour guides that use the area because I see them going in the morning, they come out so the tourist can see them. Then they just take off just as if they didn’t care for the animals and come down the river. I really would like for them to be aware of it because we have had seven of them got killed by boat encounters in that area. Manatees are mammals, they are herbivores, they are the only sea grass eating mammals in Belize. Belize has the highest population of this said species throughout the world. I think we should preserve it. That is something that we are recognized for in Belize and we should acknowledge that because a lot of countries can’t say that for themselves. We have speed zone signs in these areas and these tour guides are aware of the areas that these manatees use because they themselves use them. So I ask for them to be careful, travel at a wake speed to avoid collision because these animals, they are so huge, and so slow, they are unable to get away from the boats. So it’s much more easier for them to avoid the manatees than the manatees to avoid them.”
Galves says that they were able to find out about most of the manatee deaths because concerned members of the public have informed his organization.
Come on boat operators lets be more carefull with these creatures. Its amazing Mr.Galves is taking action to represent these mammals, Remember people these creatures are living things they too have feelings.
Kudos Mr. Galves for your bold stance and heart felt concern for these beautiful mammals. I see the boats on the river daily flying out of the river mouth with no spotter in the bow which could help a lot.
Kudos indeed, Jamal, for bringing greater awareness of the problems these manatees are facing. If anyone, anywhere in Belize, sees a dead, injured or orphaned manatee, please contact Mr. Galves at Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute as soon as possible, and provide location details, and your contact details, so your report can be responded to as fast as possible.
Thanks for your comments guys, really appreciate it knowing they are peopl out there that care. Happy to have you all on my tea in my boat, atleast I know they are some that will try decrease the mortality rate of these gentle giants. A lso thanks a lot Jose.
Proud of you Jamal Galves, more of our black bredda and sista dem should take your example, I am proud of you and Keith swift, men I wish I coulda give unu wan medal GOLD for making a diffrence in our country. Continue the good work.
Why is it surprising to you all that these reckless boat owners are killing Manatees when infact they don’t even value our Belizean brothers and sister’s lives.What next so call PrimeMinister of Belize Mr Barrow.
Apparently these idiots are runing out of people to kill as a result they’ve resort to killing Manatees now.
Good job Jamal keep it up and have a nice day
Thanks to you all, it is so nice hearing you guys comments it makes me feel like am not in a worl by myself no longer. I assure you that these comments go way further than here, it will serve as a motivation to me when going out alone trying to get the job done. An ya it is as bad as the human kiling in the country. What makes it so bad is that we normally get arond 9 a year an so far we have reach that mark, and even worst we are not even half way through the year sad…
Thanks Mr. Banner same to you….
Jamal, great job responding to these incidences and reporting back to the public. Thanks Channel 5 for airing this story. Everyone should pass on the message!
Kudos To you Jamal for taking the initiative to point this out and try to protect these slow moving mammals. I think you should have the port authority declare that area as A “NO WAKE ZONE” from before the Haulover bridge up to a given area …. ‘manatee lookout = “No WAKE ZONE” but then again even the “Coast Guards” speed up and down that area; and they should be the ones giving the tickets.
Bold jamal. These mamals are source of income for the boaters. come on guys , this is your business, let,s protect these creatures starting from now..
Jamal Galves …… HERO!!!
sadly, the manatee and the reef are being destroyed by reckless captains of ships and boats, for as long as i can remember, even though the manatee is a tourism attraction not much has been done so far by the GOB.
Now that the matter is out in the open, what will be done to protect the animals?
Congratulations for doing this! And best of luck for the future!!! Let us know when we can do something to help.
Thank all you guys the support is what motivates me to continue. Also I would love for the government to some way would make life so easier. Also I am going to go talk to the Port about it as well, but we need the Coast Gurds to enforce it as well. This is a team effort and there is no me in team. Also Nicole Auil should be given many thanks for she have been fighting for these gentle giants long before me. I would like to thank her for leading me to be the fighter I am as well. If anyone is interesting to assist in any way, it is welcome and I asssure you very much appreciated.