Kainie Manuel charged with fourteen counts of Theft

kainie manuel
On Monday, News Five aired the story of Kainie Manuel, the former reporter of the San Pedro Sun who is in trouble with the law for theft of forty-five thousand dollars from her former employer, the San Pedro Sun and its owners, Ron and Tamara Sniffin. Manuel admitted to making the mistake and she also alluded to another incident in which she stole monies belonging to the Lions Club of Belize when she was the Treasurer. Manuel handed herself in to San Pedro Police today and was charged with fourteen counts of Theft. The Lions Club says that during a regular meeting on April twenty second, the membership of the San Pedro Lions Club voted to expel Manuel as a member and remove her as the Zone 59 Secretary after funds were embezzled from its bank account. In court she pleaded not guilty and was offered and met bail of ten thousand dollars. The San Pedro Sun owners have also decided to file charges since they claim Manuel failed to live up to her commitment to pay off the debt. Manuel has said she will repay the debts but it is taking a little longer than expected to settle it since she is waiting for a land transaction to be completed. Magistrate Emerson Banner ordered Manuel back to court on May twenty-sixth.
real eeedyat gyal dis
Will kainie manuel go to jail for theft of forty-five thousand dollars from her former employer/s?
It would be interesting to know what she spend all that money on, bet she bought a new car and some bling, did she saved up any for her kids education?
She should been a politician or a police, she steals just like one.
She will go in the politics for sure. With this long experience of the public relations and the great practice she has in stealing money she will get for sure some hot job offers from PUP or UDP.
she’ll be a future area rep for belize distr. guys get ready to vote for her next election. that’s how the politicians start to try to see how they can master the thiefing. she’ll pass the test and will be elected next election. very nice profession to join eh.
I guess she preferred jail than the deal she had with her employers. Bit she did feel as if they were taking advantage of her(dummy ) that’s y she went to the media. She never did state how much she paid back.
No ill remarks needed for this woman’s acts. There are many more who get caught and never brought to the public eye. No one has the right to judge anyone for she had her own reasons to do what she did.
lok at her eyes u can c the mask like a raccoon has she tries to cover it.ah thief dat done
Anyone knows what happened to Mayor Moya? Oh, Wait, Nothing! Bring up that case Kainie and use that case for your defense. Moya just didn’t steal money from two companies but thousands of helpless taxpayers. At least you admitted to the crime and its consequences. Take it like a champ and go to prision for 5 years.
She has no money, but met bail of $10,000???? MET BAIL!!!!!
Jeez – money talks bull***T walks!!!!!!!!!!
dave t…she did not make bail…her family met bail for her … see no mom or dad wants to see thier sons in jail even if they have done wrong. Kainie obviously has a serious problem and should never be placed in a position to handle money. If she has to spend time in jail..that is the consequence of her actions. But i dont think she will go to jail..her family will have to sell everthing to keep her out of jail. Hopefully this will make her think of what position she has put her family in. She was so stupid to go media and blow this up. If she would not have gone to the media her reputation would have been tarnished only in San Pedro. Now she has no reputation or trust not only in San Pedro Town but the entire country of Belize. Good luck getting a job but i hope she does cause she has children
Why was Mayor Moya case not publicise as this woman’s case?
How quick we are to condemn, and yet how quick we are to forget. Kainie did wrong and has made the first step in remedying the situation – accepting responsibility for her behavior. How many of our “neighborly, righteous, honorable, decent” officials elected/not elected have stolen far much more than that (indeed in the millions) and have not even admitted doing so; still we allow them to walk free and “glorify” them? How many have committed the abominable sin of Murder, yet still walk free, without even an apology for the family of the deceased? Kainie is trying to pay for her mistakes. Let her.
@ Kainie – you are not the first or will be the last; nor even the worst. Commit to pay back all you have wronged, seek forgiveness and forgive yourself.
P.S. Read the book “The Richest Man In Babylon” by Classen.
Wonder how she met bail?????????
Please she will get a job especially if she knows the right people. In Belize it is who you know not what you’ve done. There are lots that go from job to job embezzling and they keep getting jobs where they are handling all the finance you just have to be married to the right person and know people in high places. I am sure she will be just fine. Only the honest can’t get jobs in Belize!!!!!
Well well, no wonder she campaigned for the PUP, she was trying to find a way to pay off the bills and probably make an extra. Simply put it, she has the RF Syndrome – PUDPtiitis How can anyone feel sorry for this gial? She was caught stealing, promised to pay, yet stole more from where she had started and then stole from a charitable organization. People, we must not let anyone get away with crime! A crime is a crime!!!
Now let us go after all of those who wear the guayabera who have done our country harm….
Patria O Muerte
Will Kaine be punished for he actions! I see her dancing up at Caye like if she no do nothing wrong?