Fathers lead advocacy group against child abuse
Reports of rape, child abuse and exploitation have prompted the formation of an advocacy group with men leading the charge. Fathers Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children started with a membership of seven persons earlier this year with a mandate to bring awareness to the community and actively engage the public in the fight against perpetrators of abuse. According to Assistant Treasurer David Betancourt, while mothers are the primary caregivers, fathers also have a role to play.
David Betancourt, Assistant Treasurer
“We have failed to realise that we are also responsible for what is happening with the children. So as fathers we think it will make a stronger impact that we as fathers can come together and make a difference. Before going into the schools, what our objectives are is to create a network so that when we do a presentation at the school and there are children in there who are hurting and they want to know where they can I go. We are hearing you and we are interested in helping you but what can I do. We want to set up a network that will facilitate these children so they can have somewhere to call, a website to go to, a place they could call, people they can trust. I would like to start that motion and to ask anyone who is hurting, anyone who has been abused and is in that hurt situation to find an aunt, find an uncle, a brother; someone you can trust, someone that will take your privacy serious and let out that hurt that you are going through so the healing process can begin.”
Fathers Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children is also hoping to set up a website database of convicted perpetrators and their whereabouts. Betancourt says persons interested in joining the organization can contact him at 610-3027 and stressed that the opposite sex is welcomed to join.