Guns stolen in city and caye
There is no shortage of firearm on the streets and tonight there are three cases of stolen guns to report. Manuel Pacheco, forty-seven, of three Cockburn Lane, Belize City has reported to the police that while he was out of the country during January to August this year, his house was burglarized and his licensed nine millimetre Smith and Wesson pistol was stolen.
In a second incident, police are investigating a report made by Robert Opthegrove, a fifty-four year old resident of South Water Caye who reports that while he was lodging at a cabana at the Caye over this past weekend, ten black extended clips containing thirty-three live nine millimetre rounds were stolen from his room. Police have one person in custody and are looking for another.
And in a third instance, a stolen rifle has been recovered and two men are in custody. Forty-one Marco Magaña reported to police that a licensed, Winchester rifle with serial number 3194998 belonging to his father, Raul Magaña, was stolen from his home in Ladyville months ago. Police recovered the rifle in a green taxi belonging to Wendell White, which seventeen year old Jeremy Bahadur of Ladyville and twenty-one year Mark Hilton of Lords Bank, had hired. Both Bahadur and Hilton were charged with handling stolen goods, and keeping a firearm without a license while White was released. Police believe that Bahadur and Hilton are responsible for the break-in at Magana’s residence.