From Somalia to Belize: Human Trafficking in Al Shabaab’s shadow
There are more revelations to report in the immigration scam that was cracked since early October. We have so far followed the paper trail on how the Chinese and Sri Lankan nationals make their way to Belize as part of an international human smuggling ring. Tonight our continued investigations take us to Somalia, a country that terrorist organizations use as a safe haven for training and other activities. Earlier, this year on February second, a Ghanaian national, thirty-six year old Lester Wugah, was found with an Ethiopian Passport that belonged to Alavar Demissie Dibaba. The incident generally fell under the radar but being in possession of another person’s passport without justifiable reason is a criminal offense. The court prosecutor could offer no evidence against him and the matter was struck out on June second. That is only the tip of a web that stretches across the Atlantic Ocean, as News Five Jose Sanchez found out.
During the brief court appearances of Lester Wugah, the prosecutor pointed out that he should not have been given bail because he was a person of interest in another investigation. That investigation involved human trafficking of Africans to the United States of America.
Six men: Hadi Shariff Abdi, Abdi Kadir Warsame Hirsi, Ahmed Mohamed Shire, Mustaf Mahad Ali, Ahmed Mohamed Hussain and Mahamed Mahamud Cabdule, were all detained under suspicion after they arrived at the PGIA during the Wugah court appearances. During the investigation they confessed that not only their names in the passports were fake, but they were not Kenyans either. They were in fact nationals of Somalia. Trafficking of Somalis is considered high risk because the country is war torn and partially controlled by the militant group, Al Shabaab.
Abu Mansoor, Al Shabaab Leader
“We are fighting to lift the banner of oppression and colonialism from or country; we are defending ourselves from enemies who attack us. Once we are successful with that, we will fight on and finish oppression. This is one of the many places across the country where all Shabaab fill the political vacuum while still continue their fight for their capita. It now hosts large parts of southern and central Somalia and it is growing in military and territorial strength by the day.”
But how do Somalis get to Belize? They travel to Kenya and pay 500 US for the Kenyan passport. Then with a new identity, they are given expensive suits to fly to Dubai. In that nation, they then catch a connecting flight that takes them across Europe to Moscow. On each leg, agents wire them money to continue on the journey.
At Moscow they then take a long flight to Havana, Cuba where they are issued single entry visas to visit Belize. From Belize they would then disappear across Mexico’s border and reappear with new identities in America. However, this group of six was arrested and while being questioned, the Somalis indicated that they pay five hundred U.S. for visas in most countries.
The agents that arrange their accommodations and travel also get paid one thousand U.S. dollars. And even though an informant and the Somalis identified their contact in Belize, the Immigration Department did not press any charges. The six Somalis were then deported to Cuba. Where do poor Somalis get access to thousands of U.S. dollars to reach the United States is not clear, but one Al Shabaab leader provides some clues.
Ibrahim Almaqdis, Al Shabaab
“We will establish Islamic rule from Alaska and Chile to South Africa, Japan Russia to Solomon Islands and all the way to Iceland. Be warned we are coming.”
“Al Shabaab core principles is that all Muslims are citizens of Somalia. As such multitudes of foreign fighters from around the global have People from across the world have bolstered their ranks.”
Abu Mansoor
“We shall welcome any Muslims from any part of the world who wants to join us. We will allow them to wed our daughters and share our funds. Many have already died fighting our cause and many others are here with us.”
“Al Shabaab dominate all public gathering in areas under their control. Their speeches are laden with calls to the people to join their cause. The public’s response to Al Shabaab has been one of admiration. Many dress their children like the militia and arm them with toy weapons. After all they are the only meaningful authority they have seen in nearly two decades.”
Six more additional photos of Kenyan passports believed to be Somalis were found on devices allegedly related to Wugah. Phone numbers for Immigration Officers were also found on Wugah’s phone. Whether the goal of the Somalis who traveled across the world to Belize shared visions of Al Shabaab or the American dream, the men would not have received visas to Belize had the Ministry of Immigration Department followed its established policies. Reporting for News Five, Jose Sanchez.
perdomo needs to be put in jail along with this pm for treason good job channel5.
Just encridible….what has our Jewel become? Because of greed and the love of money people are sold out…. God help us all!
This news item makes me angry and I guess presenting it like this was the purpose. Belize has been selling their documents for some time, about ten years ago I was told about this from an insider. Passports and documents for maritime purpose were being sold like hot Johnnycakes. I was appalled and reported it on a number of occasions but the powers that be made sure it was gagged. It will come out though believe me. Plenty of Judas in Belize City/Belmopan, actually it whips up too much unhealthy emotion for me. We gave these people grandparents/parents shelter, welcomed them because of the once trusting and friendly nature the Belizean people possessed and they in turn showed their gratitude by keep the people down, uneducated, unskilled and ignorant and while they destroyed it. In the end we will be left in no man’s land with no one recognising your passport or any of our documents, a familiar story for a handful of families which forms part of the corrupt ruling classes here.
Without changes to the government and various branches of mintries, Belize is doom to be used
and destroyed by those selected few—Belizeans Get Up Stand Up and Get Busy.
There is no free lunch! If someone is paying their way, they are doing it for a reason other than the BS stories these guys told us about persecution.
We are playing with fire.
I want to know if the ones named in the Amandala article earlier this year were given asylum.
You stated it correct BZNinCALI, “playing with fire” and I might add, maybe explosives. The GOB has put Belize and all Belizeans in the scope of lawless behavior, but like it’s been said over and over, ‘big brother is watching’. They all will be judged by their works.
rod, Perdomo may not be the most articulate person, Saldivar may be right about him being a drunk but these problems preceded him. I agree he should have put a stop to it when he took charge & became aware of it but we need to question why we keep playing musical chairs with the same worthless politicians.
PUP do it UDP do it. Perdomo’s excuse for poor judgement, corruption and mismanagement of his ministry is simply “the PUP do it too!” what kind of excuse is that. Mr. Prime Minister you said a whif of corruption. this is not a whiff, this is a toilet full. GOOD GOVERNANCE, not COVER Up PERDOMO”S REAR. its not about pup and udp, its about good governance
hey lest see the ambassador to belize is a lil @#$% from benque said badi querra he was workin in illinois at a mcdonalds when ud p won he was brought back to belize and given this position by who barrow and the minsiter of economics maybe? now he is a !@#$% in cuba is he the one giving out visas? and who is giving him orders and who all are sharing the money?
What happened to all the students with Masters/Bachelors Degree? you need to get out their and represent your country against these JUDAS, BECAUSE SOONER THAN LATER THERE WILL BE DOOMSDAY UPON YOU. Look at all the corruptions that is going on and I don’t see anyone RAISING HELL, except for a few that get their point across. HOW CAN YOU SIT DOWN LIKE YOU’RE DAZED & NOT DO NOTHING, SORRY FU UNU.
Keep own digging Jose Sanchez i bet there is much more out there.
If we do not seriously address the visa and passport abuses then the international community will. Then we will find it increasingly difficult to travel abroad on our own legitimate Belize passports and to obtain visas for other countries.
I hope one day that Belizians do not wake up and find that they have such a band of oppressors in the country. Somalis are mean ruthless people who understand one thing and that is fight to the death, kill all who oppose you. We are becoming one of the weakest nation in the world and one of the most corrupt. I cry for my country, it was once a beautiful peaceful place, let us take it back.
Lord help us! Why do we even have a consulate in Cuba? We should not be going there and we shouldn’t let them touch foot in our country. And now Somalis are coming from there with our visas, with indoctrination and murder on their minds. We should not give entrance into our country to anyone coming from a known terrorist/dictatorship country. Messing with crap like this is like opening a can of worms, Lord knows that our government is stupid and the police force is incompetent at best. If we bring in too many hostils we can be overrun and overthrown, then where will our traitorous government and public officals go to hide when militant Muslims come to demand alligiance or death at the end of a machine gun. Lord please rain down knowledge and common sense so that our people will not perish from stupidity!!!!!