Fake cop goes to real Court
Aaron Wilson, who has been dubbed the “Fake Cop”, appeared earlier this week in court. Wilson was before the Chief Magistrate, Margaret Gabb McKenzie and got disclosure for three of six charges he is facing. On February sixteenth, Wilson will have to defend his name for using threatening words, theft of a cell phone from a female, and two counts of aggravated assault, upon the female and her estranged boyfriend. He was also informed that the other charges for forgery, possession of a false document, and unlawful possession of Belize Police Department accoutrements will go for preliminary inquiry at another date to determine if he will stand trial at the Supreme Court. After the arraignment, our court reporter caught up with Wilson but he refrained from going too much into the case saying that the trial should be of interest since revealing information will be coming out which the public needs to know.
If this fool holds on to any secret information about more corrupt cops in the force, he might just run out of luck with his life, the corrupt boys are not willing to risk their reputation by letting this sleaze ball scandalize their names all over the media front .
If you really have a ball to drop on the bad boys do it now before you are forever silenced by the crooked cops
In any given situation I am hoping for the death penalty for your sorry @$$.
Usually men who pretend to be police are not only criminals but rapist, make sure you get his DNA on file to compare against future rape cases.