Chinese Community castoffs support given by Belizeans for Justice
Monday morning’s protest by the Chinese Association showed unity in the Asian community. And while it appeared that they were all alone, there was support offered by other groups. Belizeans for Justice was nowhere in sight as it normally would offer solidarity to families of murder victims and according to one member of the group, the Chinese Association acted clannish and rejected the support of the association.
Joan Sutherland, Member, Belizeans for Justice
“First of all, it’s two women that got murdered and woman’s month just past and I think it is our duty to join the Chinese, they call themselves Belizean Chinese. And murder dah murder.”
Jose Sanchez
“Okay but we didn’t see you out there at the protest in solidarity with them. Why is that?”
“Well because we approach them and they told us that somebody going to come out. Eric Chang gonna come out and…”
Jose Sanchez
“Come out from where?”
Joan Sutherland
“From out of the meeting—we went all the way to Princess. And this Chiney man, I think his name is Jackie, he came out and he said that Eric Chang is gonna come out and talk to us and maybe twenty minutes to half an hour; he came back and said they will get back in touch with us—no use of standing around. So we offered our phone numbers [and] they said they don’t need any numbers; they know how to get in touch with us. But one thing Joe, that protest weh happen yesterday; if we as Belizeans for Justice would have done something like that, positive, some ah wi mi wah deh eena hospital, some ah wi mi wah deh locked up eena jail. We as Belizeans couldn’t do that, so why the Chinese dehn coulda mi do it.”
Jose Sanchez
“But despite everything, still in solidarity with them?”
Joan Sutherland
“We are, we are in solidarity with them and we would love to join them and find hand in hand with them. We are Belizeans for Justice. So we step forward for anybody—Chinese, Hindus, anybody at all.”
Now lets look into this situation a lil closer, throughtout the mass massacre that happen in the middle east and Ivory Cost, where their police department or security force chose to protect one man,’the president’ over its people. In the case of Belize which side will these law abiding officers will chose, will they protect the pm, or their very own people….I have down my own research with some of my friends in the force and believe me, there are willing to protect gob at any measures possible, these law enforcers are tricked to thinkin dat the pm pays them, when its the people that empowers a nation for them to be paid, WE THE PEOPLE PAIDS THEM….but out of 12 of my friends in the force, 4 said they will stood by the people side, now imagine the estimated probability of the entire force, where alot of these officers are not educated, str8 out of high school, or from the the street to act as an informant in the force for the very own drug lords and criminal minds…I dont blame the Chinese for rejecting Belizeans for Justice because a fight for them dont last long, they only offer condolescences then off to the next victim…The Chinese want results and we as Belizeans we need results as well….But u know what, I’ve seen the future already, throughout the hardship and everything the chinese are goin through, eventually bcas of our constant line of stayin in the shadows, a leader will rise from there group, they will soon be the majority living in Belize and sooner or later our very own PM will be a Chinese Belizean…The Truth Hurts Right…but u wait and see…..I will do my part as a Belizean,but brothers and sisters, with all these scares on my body, and tears of blood bcas all d water is drain from my eyes, WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER!!!!!!!! WE LIVNG IN DANGEROUS TIMES…….
Thank you for ending on that note Joan, there is power in unity. They read the same news we read & they may have been concerned about this becoming a side show for your leader & that her presence would overshadow the message they are trying to send.
There are too many fragmented groups & egos that need to be fed, take the time to talk to Eric Chang & the other leaders of the Chinese community away from the media. Learn from each other, they were pissed off & focused but did not call for anyone’s removal or resignation. Did you see Eric Chang or any political figure in the forefront hogging the camera?
What is Joan Southerland’s point?The Chinese people could have demonstrate because they are not divided like us.There this lady go again trying to divide the Belizean people.Who is this lady to say that the Belizean people couldn’t do what the Chinese people did when infact some of these people are born Belizean.
i think the Chinese did this because they did not want the baggage that come with Schakron and Co. Smart move beause if you want to be taken seriously you don’t want to be affiliated with some one who jumps on any band wagon
Its about time the crims were given a shock I say string them up leave them hanging outside the court house with a placard round their necks telling all the other crims that they will be next.
They need a hard fist I am fed up of walking out at night not knowing if I will get home alive or not. We all need to be able to go about our lives without fear, and the only way is to remove the threat, and don’t tell me the crims have rights they lost them when they started their life of crime making all our lives miserable. Hang em I say.
Now lets look into this situation a lil closer, throughtout the mass massacre that happen in the middle east and Ivory Cost, where their police department or security force chose to protect one man,’the president’ over its people. In the case of Belize which side will these law abiding officers will chose, will they protect the pm, or their very own people….I have down my own research with some of my friends in the force and believe me, there are willing to protect gob at any measures possible, these law enforcers are tricked to thinkin dat the pm pays them, when its the people that empowers a nation for them to be paid, WE THE PEOPLE PAIDS THEM….but out of 12 of my friends in the force, 4 said they will stood by the people side, now imagine the estimated probability of the entire force, where alot of these officers are not educated, str8 out of high school, or from the the street to act as an informant in the force for the very own drug lords and criminal minds…I dont blame the Chinese for rejecting Belizeans for Justice because a fight for them dont last long, they only offer condolescences then off to the next victim…The Chinese want results and we as Belizeans we need results as well….But u know what, I’ve seen the future already, throughout the hardship and everything the chinese are goin through, eventually bcas of our constant line of stayin in the shadows, a leader will rise from there group, they will soon be the majority living in Belize and sooner or later our very own PM will be a Chinese Belizean…The Truth Hurts Right…but u wait and see…..I will do my part as a Belizean,but brothers and sisters, with all these scares on my body, and tears of blood bcas all d water is drain from my eyes, WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER!!!!!!!! WE LIVNG IN DANGEROUS TIMES…….
She is right. Most other ethnic group in Belize (especially blacks) would have been tasered and beaten for that type of protest. Stop acting like you dont know that. I am not anti-chinese but what a few people have said is true. For the most part the Chinese comunity in Belize act indefferently to social issues and even promote them by selling alcohol to minors. They dont care how much our society falls apart and infact intentionally set up shops to reap profits from our social decay. They are clamoring for justice but they break all sort of laws (eg illegal lotery and boledo, opening shops after hours, and selling alchohol and tobacco to minors just to name a few). My point … Chinese your part to improve Belize as a society and then we will all live in harmony.
Schakron should take this as a mesasage….people are tired of U stealing the show whenever she see camera.!!!.
I hope Belizeans for Justice take the Chinese feedback effectively.
It speaks volumes of how effective Belizeans for Justice TRULY is.
What is really the more effective way to fight for justice?
well said elgin martinez…….bze people are divided……………….dont know why this is, because everybody should be against crime. we need to take care of one another and start opening our mouths when we see injustice. i admit schakrona nd co. seem like publicity mongers or whatever, but we know their faces, we know what they stand for. they are people who are trying to protect us, because apparently, police officers are as crooked as street thugs and gand-bangers. i say let them do tehir bidding, its good for all of us!!!!!
Miss Joan u should read these comments on this story, mayb u could learn something…..United we stand divided we fall…
terry you are probably right. i think the belizeans for justice are like crab inna bucket. they did not get a meeting with the bca so they come out and say they were rejected. blue koncas. both groups speaks out against crime but bfj also put their hands in squatters, polotics, contstitutions, oil ect. make up your mind on what you want to do and focus. we are all belizeans no matta what, we should be united and not divide
belizeans for justice stop crying like a BABY and support your original cause
or are you guys going political
I’m surprised Shackron was not the one talking today, maybe its bc the chinese community rejected there so called help. I agree with the chinese on this one. If Shackron was there the news would’ve been all about her and less about the cause. Then there goes Joan calling them “chiney man”. We are all one in this country, why are you trying to segregate the different cultures and trying to cause problems. They had their own agenda and didn’t want you all to get involved and take away from it.
the people is the power.. learn that.. remove the worthles gob … both the pup and the udp…..all the want is th power and money given to them by the people… power to the people…
Well Chinese have always been sheepish people who tend to live in their own communities and they tend not to co mingle with the general population.
Even in large US cities like Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco where there a lot of Chinese they tend to live in this manner.
The Chinese community tend to shun away from police and law enforcement personnel also. This is one main reason why a lot of criminal cases where Chinese people were victims tend to go unsolved.
Ms Sutherland is saying that this group of Chinese protesters were given preferential treatment because they were able to protest without permission from law enforcement.
If this is the case then law enforcement should have stepped in because if a permit i needed to protest then they should have needed one also.
But we can’t be upset if they chose not to allow members of Belizeans for Justice to walk side by side with them. We just have to respect the fact that this is what the Chinese, Indian, and Mennonite culture dictates.
Most Chinese tend to isolate other people. So with this mentioned I would like to give Rene Tam ( RIP) who was a Belizean Chinese who died on November 21 st, 2001 when a plane he was pilotting crashed. Tam blended in with the native Creole and Mestizo population and he even sponsored and played on a basketball team. He later married a Creole Belizean lady.
Then my schoolmate Eeno Chen and his brother who used to mingle with us at SJC in the 90’s.
Also I’ll like to make mention of Lee Mark Chan, former President of Chinese Association in Belize who also used to mingle with native students at SJC in the late 80’s and early 90’s.
So for the most part the Chinese will isolate themselves from the general population.
But injustice is injustice and senseless killings are senseless killings so I support the Chinese community 100%.
Only GOD can save us now.
Shackron is not in the country. so she can’t do the interview.
This Asshats were not taken seriously because all they wanted was political mileage. I would not be surprised of Joan and Ms shakron run for office in the future… It appears that every time something sad happens they show up and all they do is talk about themselves to the media.
I am glad Ms. Shakron did not give an internview cause all she would do would be talk about how she is being threatened and intimidated and her life is in danger….MS SHAKRON BELIZE’S WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU, WE ARE TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT YOU……If you give another interview in the future please FOCUS on the ISSUE and not yourself.
Shackron and Co. is like an 18 wheeler without brakes and with a drunken driver at the wheel speeding down the Gabb. ( it is the hill coming down into Middlesex). The chinese community did well in keeping their distance.
hmm- so shackron out of the country . GOOOOOOOD so she took my advice and went to lybia..
The chinese need to get out of our country they wanted to come and take over our country..We r the Belizean its we who made up this country…Not chinese..I wonder how future will be for my niieces mein..Our government juss messing up…I see many things and how they could not get fix when our Belizean a realize wat is happening…I be honest i am only 17yrs old and i already see the situation in Belize in future . I wish i could change some few things wit my country to make it better