The dawn of Crispin Jeffries; new Commissioner of Police to be named
Commissioner of Police Crispin Jeffries has been in the hot seat since April, 2009. Jeffries was given an extension last year, but his contract is now coming to an end next month. Jeffries’ management style has been described as ineffective by his own minister, Doug Singh. With that kind of criticism, it is no wonder that the government is looking for new blood to tackle the upsurge in crime. Cabinet has given the ministry the green light to advertise the vacancy within the Commonwealth and is expected to have a replacement within ninety days. It means that the Deputy Commissioner, James Magdaleno will not be moving up, nor will the young and inexperienced Elodio Aragon Junior, who was once touted to be in line for the job. According to Doug Singh, Minister of Police, replacing the outgoing commissioner will not necessarily curb the present situation; however, they are looking for someone who has organizational skills to lead the department.
Doug Singh, Minister of Police
“The commissioner’s contract expires at the end of this month. Cabinet has taken a decision, has endorsed a decision to actually seek a new Commissioner of Police and we will be looking internationally. We’ve started the advertisement process and we will be doing this through the Commonwealth Secretariat. I think we prefer the Commonwealth simply because there’s a similarity with the legal framework and experiences. So we’re not limiting it to the Caribbean but pretty much through the entire Commonwealth region and I suppose we should not also limit it. Whoever applies we will review them accordingly and try to make the best selection.
I think we ought not to fool ourselves to think that bringing in a foreign commissioner is going to suddenly make dramatic changes in crime. That is absolutely not what our objective is at all. What we want to do is to bring in somebody who will bring structure to the organization, to help to deal with some of the innate problems that we have within the organization that will help to give us the benefit of what has worked in other jurisdictions that we can implement to strengthen the Police Department to help to rid it of corruption. To help to deal with administrative issues that will allow us to be able to address things probably more expeditiously.
First of all we’re looking for the best possible candidate so we’re going to review the gambit of everyone. Hopefully we can get someone with a combination of all the factors, not just any one factor. Who will do the review? First of all the application process will be that it will be submitted, it will be short listed. It will be reviewed and recommendations will be made and it certainly won’t be only by me. It will be by myself, the C.E.O. [of the Ministry of Police] and I will liaise with some other individuals who have the acumen to actually assist in the selection process. Ultimately though, Cabinet will make a final approval.”
Interestingly, Singh compared the desired reform within the Belize Police Department to that of the N.Y.P.D. under previous commissioner William Bratton between 1994 and 1996. Belize, however, severely lacks the financial resources necessary to transform the state of affairs within the department. It is also of note that Jeffries will remain as ComPol until a replacement has been selected.
This is stupid and disrespectful to the force
Only a fool would take that job. No resources and no real support from the politicians to root our corruption in the police department – or to catch the real crime kingpins.
I am very supportive of the idea, I think a foreigner could make a huge diffirence to the status quo. Good job, minister Singh.
when are we going to fire the incompetent Dough Singh himself? i don’t see a crap of what he’s doing rather than collect that fat check every month
about time he was replaced! Now we just need to get rid of Singh!
It is unfortunate that we have to look outside the country for a replacement but I also think that it is necessary.
Because of all the going on over the past years with in the police department, it has lost the respect of the people. Hopefully with this necessary change some of that respect will return.
Dawn my a$$! Twilight, a bleaky rainy one, is more appropriate! Can the joker and lets move on!
These people already have a hand picked crony to replace Jefferies so all the formalities is just pure, unadulterated B.S. However, I feel no remorse for Crispin Jefferies. He is as incompetent as the administration under which he is serving and they would do the nation a big favor if they all disappear into the sunset that follows the dawn.
New Ring Master, same circus. Until the top people live by the standards they are asking our policemen & women to live by, nothing will work. A drug boat runs aground, the Minister or someone in charge tells the Belizeans who saw it, they were suffering from mass hallucination, a plane crashed off San Pedro, those drunken Belizeans imagined that too. Asking a new commissioner to come in & clean up the mess, improve moral, conduct professional investigations but make sure he/she does not ruffle the feathers of the powerful but corrupt is a waste of time.
Why the hell a foreigner, its good to change him but put a belizean not a foreigner, whi could know belize better than a goog belizean come on people think right don’t be stupid
Problem is that In Belize everybody is related. Get a foreigner with no ties to anybody.
I remember a member of a jury being the sister of a gangster killed in front of the court house while she was attending a trial…..any bell ringing….ANY BELL RINGING?????????????
@ Tim and C, agreed about time he take a walk cause all he do is run his mouth. I think he like to hear the sound of his own voice. That “pretty boy”.
The problem in belize is that its leaders are CRIMINALS WITH A LAW DEGREE..AKA..LAWYERS.SO WHAT SHOULD BE DONE?BAN lawyers for been politicians for a 1,000 years.only when lawyers are ban from politicis will belizeans find freedome.away with both MAFIAS AKA PUP&UDP.
what de !…..
Sounds like a good idea to me. No one else has done anything. Another Belizean will just fall into the same routine as those before him. Change is needed and obviously it isn’t coming from within the ranks here in Belize. We need a Brit or an American to lead the way. Instill some discipline to the police force. The British and US govts would be more than receptive to the idea. They know a large amount of drugs are trafficked through Belize and that often times it is the local authorities making it possible. Don’t be so proud that you can not ask for help. Often times one must look outside the normal channels to find a solution. I say go beyond the Commonwealth. Look to the US. Gang suppression is often very successful in US cities. Get one of those guys to set the standard. Money can be found through the DEA as a resource to combat the drug trade. It all make sense. They get what they want and we get what we want. Give it a little bit of thought before ranting back at my comment. As things only become worse, which Belizean is capable of changing things? I am sure there is someone, but not with the current system in place. And part of that system is Good Ol’ Boy network. The I scratch your back you scratch mine mentality in law enforcement. Sweep the whole system clean. Raise the standard. Society will be better off.
As a serving member of the dept. i find it to be a slap on the face that any government would rather pick a foreigner then one of its one. This is basically saying that no Belizean is good enough.I though we had moved pass ed the days of “Colonial Mentality”. We will never have a ‘good and honest’ dept if the govt treat it like an unwanted stepchild. Until the COUNTRY decided to get its act together then crime will always be a problem.
Bring in a Belizean living abroad with LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPERIENCE………..
THE CROOKS REPORT IS STILL SITTING ON THE SHELF………..that would be a place to start.
Only a fool would take that job. No resources and no real support from the politicians to root our corruption in the police department – or to catch the real crime kingpins. I LOVE THIS