Viewers give their opinion about a prospective foreign police commissioner
Do you think a foreign commissioner of police will reduce crime? That’s question we posed to viewers after it became public this week that the government has decided a contract a foreign top cop. The polling has been neck to neck all day and at the time of writing, there’s a virtual tie. Of the persons who took time to respond, fifty percent believe that a foreign commissioner of police will not cause crime to go down while the other fifty percent supported the employment of a non-Belizean to head the police department. One of our viewers wrote: “A foreign commissioner of police may not necessarily reduce crime immediately, however it could influence some major changes in terms of how the Department is run which in turn may influence morale….” Another person wrote: “No one person regardless of their background can reduce crime without the support of the Government, adequate staff, trained personnel as well as a commitment from the community.”
We do have competent top police officers to head the police department, however there is a need to stop the politician to interfere and let them do their job. I believe that the police force should be place strictly under the Governor General of Belize also the prison department. That would give the police more power as the GG can give them more authority to do the work at any means necessary.
I have a question where can i apply for the position of being the Compol of Belize. My first request would be for the gov’t to really invest by providing EVERY single police with a bulletproof vest,pepperspray or maze, 2 pair of handcuffs and a .38 or 9mm pistol. Second request would be that in the city and on certain hotspots where murders have been committed due to guns i would have the gov’t install the equipment where if a gun is discharged it would report it to the police computer of where it was discharged. My third request would be to recruit at least 23% of the expolice that were asked to resign by force or threat and commit them to produce and be placed in the city not at the ramada or fort george area but on george street,yabra area, and so forth. My fourth request would be that if any police while working with each other is found or heard that he/she is being lazy or lacking of assisting his fellow member in their duties will be held accountable and will be placed on a week’s suspension no pay. Do we have any questions?
i agree. the politician gets too involved. when the police arrest anyone no matter the party he/she belongs you will always see the politician at the station and who do they go c??? yes right- the Officer in charge of the district. and what happen- the officer tell the lower rank ” lets give him/her a break as the minister/ rep is asking, but i already told them for it not to happen again”. then the person get release and looks at the arresting officer as s@#$ as saying “you cant touch me” and the police see the person after a few days breaking the law and the officer says ” !@#% that let the O>C or minister deal with that.. so crime no stop!!!!!!
it’s not a good thing for someone else to come in our country and do the job that our police
officer should be able to do. it’s thier job to help and protect our people our country and some how it seems our police officers are just plain stupid. so i agree to have some foreign commissioner to come and help us with all this crime that is going on in our counrty and help us belizeans.