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Feb 27, 2008

Belizean busted for too much cash in U.S.

Story PictureAccording to U.S. media reports a Belizean woman has a lot of explaining to do after she was found carrying over three hundred thousand dollars in cash. The woman, thirty-nine year old Karen Anderson, was driving a 2008 Mustang when she was stopped by Arizona police Sunday near the California state line for having broken tail lights. When they smelled marijuana the cops searched the vehicle but while they found only traces of weed, they did discover a suitcase full of U.S. currency totaling three hundred and nineteen thousand dollars. According to the arresting officers, Anderson told them that two thousand five hundred dollars of the money was hers and claimed not to know where the rest came from. Anderson will have some time to improve her memory as she was booked into the county jail on charges of money laundering. We have not been able to confirm whether Anderson is in fact a Belizean and whether she resides here or in the U.S.A.

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