New CD release focuses on domestic violence
His acting skills in the television drama series “Noh Matta Wat” has propelled Allison Hemsley, better known as “Dan Man”, to national stardom. But behind the scenes the artist is also pursuing a career in music. This week Dan Man released his latest effort called “The Scroll”. He says the piece is as entertaining as it is educational.
Allison “Dan Man” Hemsley, Artist
“Songs that direct the energy to anti violence against women. We have songs for women, loving women; on the album it has history, black history, a little bit of political issues, so it’s like that. It appeals to a wide variety of audience, some young folks, some older folks who would like to hear constructive lyrics, constructive messages, noh.”
Marion Ali
“Why controversial stuff? Is it because elections are in the near future?”
Allison “Dan Man” Hemsley
“No, no. I’ve been working on this album for nearly a year and a half now. I had no intention and still have no intention to make it political.”
“Know how to treat a lady. A nation can rise no higher than its woman. There’s no such thing as a no-good woman. Anywhere you find a no-good woman there’s a no-good man that made her that way. True, true. Why some man have to kick them woman, punch them woman and stab then woman when a woman is a comfort to a man, true, true.”
The Scroll has thirteen tracks and is available for twenty dollars at most music stores in Belize City or for fifteen dollars if you purchase directly from Dan Man.