Leader of Opposition in House not determined
But it is not all that simple in the P.U.P. While the issue of leadership has been settled, up to late this evening, Briceño, Espat and Hyde maintained that they will not be supporting Musa, the former prime minister as the leader of the opposition in the House. The National Executive of the P.U.P. this morning did not reject the party chairman’s nomination to name Musa as opposition leader for Friday’s sitting. But according to the constitution, the governor general appoints the Leader from among those that command the most support and three of the six opposition parliamentarians are not in support. So this Friday all eyes will be on how the Governor General will act on this one. For historical context, it is the first time that any opposition party has in a sense blocked who leads them in the House. And will Mark Espat support Francis Fonseca as leader? Espat told News Five, “I learned of Francis’ endorsement via e-mail this afternoon. Of course, I wish him well and look forward to hearing his plan to free the party from the grip and presence of those responsible for its electoral woes.’’
Mark, you are not only a traitor but also a coward and a lazy bigot. You saw the mountain of problems and instead of tackling it, you ran away. You want the office of the Prime Minister served to you ready and since it was not, you refused to cook it for yourself. You are hungry for power but you do not want to work for your meal. I said it, you would never be Prime Minister.
Bitterness of this trio is so evident, it makes it crystal clear they have no sense of leadership or commitment to the Belizean poulace. They appear vain glorious, self righteous and self agrandized.