Most searched dates in 2012? Holidays
With three days to go until 2012 steps into the limelight, you might wanna take a look at your calendar to start planning for the New Year. The list of holidays for 2012 consists of eight extended weekends. The first for the year is New Year’s Day, which falls on a Sunday, so Monday, January second will be given as the holiday. There will be another long weekend for National Heroes and Benefactors Day, on March ninth. That holiday falls on a Friday, but the public and bank holiday will be observed on the following Monday, that’s March twelfth. For the upcoming year, Easter falls in early April; from Good Friday on the sixth to Easter Monday on the ninth. For the month of May, the Labor Day holiday on the first will be a Tuesday while Sovereign’s Day, commonly known as Commonwealth Day, will be celebrated on Monday, the twenty-first instead of the actual date, Thursday the twenty-fourth. And that will be the last of the holidays for over three months. And so work will slow down for two holidays in the month of September which will start with a long weekend as Saint George’s Caye Day, September tenth, falls on a Monday. Independence Day will also bring a three-day weekend, since the twenty-first will be a Friday. Pan American Day in October, is Friday the twelfth but the day off will observed on the fifteenth, which is the following Monday. Garifuna Settlement Day will be on Monday, November nineteenth and in the blink of an eye, Christmas will be here again. In 2012, December twenty-fifth will be a Tuesday and Boxing Day will be observed on Wednesday, the twenty-sixth.
That is why we are a poor nation. Too many holidays. Easter Sunday should not be a public and bank holiday neither Garifuna day nor Boxing day.
shetup lucas
Sum of us work too darn hard not to get holidays… so we deserve it!!!!
Yeah more holiday make dis nation be more lazy I like lazy nation that why we white ppl getting rich