Canada to donate ballistics identification equipment
The Central American region and Mexico are suffering from escalating violence associated with organized crime from the drug cartels. The death toll continues to rise and the region now has the highest homicide rate in the world. This past Sunday, Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, unveiled the Canadian Initiative for Security in Central America (CISCA). Through that program, his government will be providing both Belize and Costa Rica with the latest in IBIS ballistics identification equipment. It’s called the IBIS TRAX 3-D and is developed by Forensic Technology WAI Inc. of Montreal, Canada. The ballistic equipment will help the local cops to solve more firearm related crimes by linking suspects to the weapons used. In Belize, the ballistics systems are expected to be installed later this year. The initiative by the Canadian government aims to help countries fighting drugs, transnational organized crime and terrorism by providing equipment, training, and technical assistance.
This means nothing if we do not really punish the perpetrators… and they walk.
It’s a worthwhile beginning. I’m sure, if GOB asks, other nations will help make our law enforcement professional and modern.
But will GOB ask? It’s an open question whether leadership even wants effective law enforcement to protect us.
Money squandered on the “gang truce” should have been spent convicting the very same people that GOB wants to appease, and locking them away until they die.