P.U.P. condemns last minute House Meeting announcements
The P.U.P. is condemning the lack of adequate notice for Friday’s House sitting. According to the P.U.P., members of the opposition received notice of Friday’s meeting on Tuesday and a bare agenda on Wednesday. The party is railing up that the government is hiding behind the so called special meetings to prevent the opposition from asking questions. The opposition charges that government’s failure to provide proposed Bills until the start of the House meetings deprives the opposition of the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the bill and meaningful participation in the debate. It also calls undemocratic and autocratic government’s practice of going through all the stages of Bills in one sitting.
Pup you need to start doing things for the people of belize and stop whining let the people see who can take care of the country and the people let the people see the difference between you and the udp but I do know that this gov. Is so corrupt they are doing it outright so come out let the people know about it show them ,they need someone to open their eyes you are not doing enough eighter so quit whining and start producing.
PUP needs to stop talking foolishness. They used to do the exact same thing when they were in power. They are getting a taste of their own medicine. How does it taste PUP? They think everyone forgot what all they used to do when they were in power. So don’t believe their lies.
These guys ALL work for you and me. Everybody reading these news stories has the internet, so why not make it a law that all laws,motions, proposals, resolutions, all of Parliament’s business, must be posted on some cyber-bulletin board 3 business days before being raised in the assembly? Then we can all know what is going on, and decide if we want to attend a session or talk to our rep before the session.
Remember, these clowns work for us!
Jack frost you are such an idiot .the pup isn’t the one suffering we the belizean people are the ones suffering with this government. We have a arrogant prime minister, a traitor as minister of foreign affairs , a thief as deputy prime minister ( exploiting our land and selling to his relatives for little to no cost) , a minister of health that has a license to practice whatever he choose to, a minister of education that doesnt care about the students at UB. We have a corrupt and arrogant party managing our country. when will the belizean people open their eyes. the PUP isn’t any better but if the leader of the opposition would really like to make a change I would like him to prosecute all the corrup ministers for their misconduct.