Belmopan teacher charged with carnal knowledge and resigns
On the heels of the sex scandal that resulted in Pastor Norman Willacey being fired from his post as Principal of Belmopan Baptist High School, another teacher has been arrested in the Capital City. According to police, thirty-two year old Denny Cabanas of the Salvapan Area was arrested and charged with two counts of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge for his alleged involvement with a fourteen year old student from Valley of Peace, Cayo. Earlier this week, the minor and her father went to police to report that Cabanas had sex with her in the school’s sewing room on July twenty-ninth and October first. Following the report, the Ministry of Education launched an investigation, but by then, Cabanas has already handed in his resignation.
While its good he already resigned, a CRIME has taken place with his involvement with a 14 year old minor. He needs to be questioned, arrested, charged & convicted. Don’t stop with he noh teaching.
Cut his ….. off he needs to go to jail just like the principal they both need to be put in jail
At least he had the decency to resign, unlike Willacey who somehow thought he was fit to serve as teacher and pastor.
Step back and take a different look. Pedophilia is a crime, no question. However, historically, in the hispanic/Maya culture girls who have reached puberty were allowed to marry and some still do. If this guy was using his position to exploit young girls then he should be punished. If they had genuine feelings for each other that’s a different matter. Girls mature at different ages. Some 14 year old girls are more women than 21 year olds both physically and mentally. So step back and look at the whole picture. This not a 22 year old with a minor. Instead of ruining both lives, maybe they love each other and get married. I am sure this girl isn’t the only 14 year old having a relationship with an older man 8 years her senior. Lets use common sense, if he were say 25, 30 40 50 then no question this relationship is wrong. My guess is that these two people were mutually attracted to each other and in the future they may get married.
why only blame the teacher, she liked it either way. she did made a report because they have been caught, its a shame on these women who try to cover up their reputation.oh men are the bad guys.
i love my Boyfriend.
Moses, what a jack….. you are! The man is THIRTY TWO YEARS old. So, no doubt this is exploitation of a minor by a full-grown adult male teacher using his position of authority with a student. He deserves the same fate as Pastor Willacey. They both need to serve some time at Hattieville Ramada to think over their sins..
I believe the guy was 22. On your next walk check out the students and see if you can pick out the 14 year olds. I did clarify in my previous post that if this was a clear case of predatory sexual behavior then the legal ramifications in this case would be appropriate. How old are you. My girlfriend is 25 and I am 79. I am happy; she is very happy. Should I be locked up and my ….. cut off.